Our experience

Below you find a small number of samples related to areas which we are or have been working with. As various visualization methods can be useful in one or many various fields there is a large variety of solutions to various problems. Applying new or exisiting methods to new or existing problems is always of key importance within the visualization community, as the usefulness of a visualization method is hard to predict.


Informative Visualization

We have produced various informative applications and setups for the public domain, on display at the Norrköping Visualization Center C, to inspire and teach people with various knowledge.


Physical touch

Haptic research has been conducted by members for over 10 years and plays an important role on understanding the physical properties of objects in our environment.


Realism to new data

We conduct visualization using the latest data which might consist of high-resolution images of very small objects.


Information Visualization

State-of-the-art clustering of very large data sets in realtime. The method has many application areas, such as bioinformations, process control and health care.



To combine various visualization techniques into the same context is usually of key importance for an overall view of your data.



2D vs 3D visualization is one of the most common questions in our daliy work.


Visualization software

We are also involved in the development of numerous open-source softwares (for research and commerical use) which we continously maintain for sustainable development.